Complements of Hakim a peacemaker who uses the instrument of videography to facilitate communication, encourage understanding, and spread inspiration. For more on Hakim's work, check out
We are so grateful for the following Peacemakers who make LFFP Possible
Shout out to Amanda, a GWU student and longtime LFFP volunteer, who gave a talk to her high school class about LFFP. Thanks for spreading the word! She also teamed up with her sister to sell cards and donated the profits to Little Friends for Peace. That deserves three cheers (and a thank you note)!
The heart and soul of LFFP is the relationships built amongst peacemakers of all ages. University of Maryland Sorority girls have played a crucial role in this aspect, coming to the Perry Peace Room and doing art, talent shows, and taking walks with our Peace Kids. Thank you for your time, it means so much to the younger kids who look up to you!
Peace CafĂ© is a weekly experience of preparing and enjoying healthy food and community. It is made possible through donations and we are so appreciative of Jen and Dave’s consistent generosity that has sustained this impactful program for our Perry Peace Kids.
What would we do without Christy, Josh, and Monica, our newest development staff? They have been hard at work building relationships with new communities, maintaining communication with our existing networks, and writing grants to ensure the continued sustainability of our program. Thanks for your hard work, Peacemakers!
Our Peace Camp partner, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, recently held a Sunday collection of donations for Little Friends for Peace. Thanks so much for your teamwork and ongoing support, UUCA!
Family Night by Josh
It was the first ever family night for LFFP and Perry School and expectations were very loose. But before long, the homework room was filled with children and parents... good thing Timmy had done a lot of cooking! Mr. Poole opened up the night with a few announcements for the parents, followed by the local librarian who alerted families as to the services of the library and a request to visit often.
Then it was time for some family fun. Groups of parents and children played win-win games, including a version of musical chairs where nobody got eliminated... but the chairs do and the players have to figure out how to all fit on them. Later, kids took turns climbing onto the center of a blanket while everyone else picked them up for a "magic carpet ride." Other activities included a family art project of making a love banner to bring home.
With all the playing and creating, everyone had worked up large appetites for a delicious dinner. The laughter, smiles, and fun on the first family night will hopefully ensure many more to come.
Seton Girls Return to the Perry Peace Room
We recently welcomed the Seton Girls back to the Peace Room with their teacher Jamie for another Urban Plunge. It was a great morning dedicated to service through an orientation prayer. After a quick snack, we walked over to Anne’s house to gather the Peace Kids. Back at Perry, we circled up, recited the Peace Pledge and checked in with each other about what was making and breaking our Peace. After a bit of time tending the Peace Garden, we all enjoyed making Peace Eggs and Baskets. We look forward to more days of Peace between the Seton Girls and our Perry Peace Kids.
We recently welcomed the Seton Girls back to the Peace Room with their teacher Jamie for another Urban Plunge. It was a great morning dedicated to service through an orientation prayer. After a quick snack, we walked over to Anne’s house to gather the Peace Kids. Back at Perry, we circled up, recited the Peace Pledge and checked in with each other about what was making and breaking our Peace. After a bit of time tending the Peace Garden, we all enjoyed making Peace Eggs and Baskets. We look forward to more days of Peace between the Seton Girls and our Perry Peace Kids.
GoodSearch for Little Friends for Peace
GoodSearch is a search engine (powered by yahoo) in which every search sends a penny to a non-profit. Go to or download the GoodSearch & GoodShop Toolbar and select Little Friends for Peace as your charity of choice. The GoodSearch Toolbar works with your browser, just like going directly to the website, and ensures that LFFP earns money every time you shop and search. Consider using this and passing on the word!
GoodSearch is a search engine (powered by yahoo) in which every search sends a penny to a non-profit. Go to or download the GoodSearch & GoodShop Toolbar and select Little Friends for Peace as your charity of choice. The GoodSearch Toolbar works with your browser, just like going directly to the website, and ensures that LFFP earns money every time you shop and search. Consider using this and passing on the word!
Doing What We Do: Relationship Building
We are always looking for ways to expand our community and spread peace with our neighbors. We are so excited to have had that opportunity in various ways of late.
We are always looking for ways to expand our community and spread peace with our neighbors. We are so excited to have had that opportunity in various ways of late.
Recently, we met with the parishioners of Holy Trinity and spoke about our Peace Work. We are now working with many of the folks in attendance to plan and carry out service projects.
We were also excited to meet with a Just Faith group at St. Patrick’s in Rockville. That group is very interested in staying connected, and we are looking to plan more workshops, trainings, and programs at their site.
We also had an incredible afternoon discussing cross-cultural challenges and opportunities through an anti-racism workshop with Pax Christi. It’s so important to open the lines of communication about tough issues and we look forward to continuing this productive conversation.
At the Oasis, we were excited to open the lines of spiritual communication with a Lenton Reflection Group. It was inspiring to open the Easter Season at our haven for Peace just as the spring buds began to bloom.
We were also delighted to welcome all of our university students from GW, GU, and UMD to a volunteer training/social the other month. This core group of mentors joined with LFFP staff and other members of the Peace Community to learn more about the behind-the-scenes administrative work that keeps LFFP going and how to contribute in various ways. Everyone enjoyed checking-in and hearing of each others’ journeys seeking peace. And of course, the evening was topped off by a delicious meal courtesy of Chef Timmy!
Join the Peace Team
LFFP now more than ever has a greater demand for communication with donors through newsletters and press releases; marketing for camps with brochures and site visits; fund raising events and grant writing, research, and execution to raise funds. Last summer, LFFP provided internships for five young adults and teens in these fields. The five gained valuable experience for careers in these sectors and made a very strong addition to their resume. They also made a huge impact on Little Friends for Peace and were crucial in enabling us to spread peace far and wide. The work is unpaid but many received community service hours and others did this alongside another part-time job that made it financially possible for them to get the experience. For more information, see our idealist entry at or contact Tommy Park at .
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