Monday, October 5, 2009

Not Just Anti-War, but Pro-Peace

Today’s crisp Monday DC afternoon heard the poignant call for the end of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan just ahead of the approaching 8th anniversary of the start of the war in Afghanistan.

Little Friends for Peace walked in the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance organized procession from McPherson Square to the White House, joined by members of their Peace Train Affinity Group. Following the solemn and quiet walk, the LFFP group relocated to Lafayette Park where they contributed an answer to the violence by literally embodying the Peace Train, inspired by our signature problem solving method. MJ described it as a beautiful day, a good group of people, and a profound action near the home of our President who sagely opposed the Iraq war from the start. She further explained that folks loved the Peace Train alternative to war and torture.

Following the event, MJ and Jerry returned to the Peace Room at Perry School, just blocks north of the US Capitol. There they continue their decade-long commitment to teaching local children the importance of non-violent alternatives to problem solving, training a generation of peacemakers to counter interpersonal and international violent conflicts alike.

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